Pet Euthanasia Services

Old Dog 1

Hospice@home Care / Pet Euthanasia

Initial Visit – “Quality of Life” Assessment (HQLI™)

During this visit we will review and discuss your pet’s medical history, perform a complete physical examination, observe your pet in their home environment, discuss what your expectations and goals with hospice care are for your companion and answer any specific questions you may have regarding your pet’s health. Upon completion of our visit a plan to address your pet’s specific needs will be presented.

Dr. Dave and is equipped to provide all the services you expect from your local vet including testing and diagnostics.

Any supplies or medications will be charged separately.

Follow up Visits – “Hospice@home / Palliative Care”

Follow up visits may be needed if you are observing any changes with your pet or their response to any prescribed medications.

We can introduce and maintain a variety of treatment regimens to assist your pet –

Pet Euthanasia

In-Home Pet Euthanasia

This includes travel fee, consultation, sedation, euthanasia procedure, grief and pet loss literature and notification to your regular veterinarian of your pet’s passing.

We can also organise for burial at home or alternatively we can arrange for burial, cremation or storage while you decide on a fitting memorial for your companion.

In-Home Pet Euthanasia with Private Cremation

In addition to services listed for In-Home Euthanasia, your pet is cremated individually and the remains returned to you in a standard maple wood urn with a laser engraved name plate.
This can be couriered direct to your home.
For an additional fee, the remains can be hand-delivered to your home.

Additional Services

More personalized urns and wooden boxes are available at an additional cost.

Any concerns or questions you may have. You may simply need reassurance that your pet is continuing to experience a good quality of life.

Whatever the need may be, rest assured I am available to help you through this difficult time either through in home visits, phone consultation or email.

Complete Veterinary Services in your home

We also provide a full range of Mobile In-Home Veterinary Care through:

      • House Call Consultations
      • Vaccinations
      • Microchipping
      • Arthritis Treatment
      • Veterinary Acupuncture
      •  Pet Heath Products – Wormers Etc
      •  Laboratory and Pathology Services
      •  Referral to Veterinary Specialist Treatment

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