Assessing Your Pet’s Quality of Life

Flickr Lucie Provencher

Assessing your pet’s Quality of life

How can I tell if my pet is suffering, and what is my pet’s quality of life?

The following parameters are used in Assessing your pet’s Quality of life:


Is your pet able to get up without your help? Do you notice your pet experience difficulty rising or moving with discomfort? Are they able to lay down comfortably or do they just fall to the floor?

Appetite and Drinking

How is their appetite? Are they eating more or less than normal? Increased or decreased water intake? Any episodes of vomiting or diarrhea?


Have they become fecal or urinary incontinent? Do they display an urgency to go outside or do they need to go outside more frequently? Are they having any trouble urinating or defecating?


Is your pet experiencing any respiratory distress? Do they become tired more easily with exercise? Do you notice any coughing or wheezing?

General Pain Level

Do they have a “stressed” look on their face? Do they make noises or groans when rising or moving around? Do they tend to stay in one location most of the day and show a reluctance to move? Do they act as if they don’t want to be petted or flinch when you show affection? Often this is a sign they are experiencing discomfort from simply touching them.

Is your elderly pet suffering for Arthritis? She may well be and may have been for some time. WE have miraculous treatments nowadays for moderate to severe arthritis,


Have the sleep patterns changed? Are they having trouble sleeping through the night or pacing during normal sleeping times? Do they seem confused or disoriented when they awaken?

Happiness & Mental Acuity

Do they seem less responsive to things they would normally enjoy? Do they seem less alert when you come home or not as engaged? Are they acting confused about where they are in their normal surroundings?

Quality of Life

Is your pet having more bad days than good days? When the bad days outweigh the good days, then their quality of life has become compromised. When this happens, it is time to strongly consider in-home hospice care or in-home pet euthanasia.

Refer to our special Is it time? checklist

Refer to the Horan Quality of Life Assessment HQLI™

Check out the -> Hospice@Home In-Home Palliative Care

Check out the -> Our Palliative Care Regimes

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Palliative Care in your home

One benefit of being able to schedule an in-home appointment allows us to meet your pet and perform a physical examination and talk to you in depth about your current health concerns without the added stress of your pet being placed in a clinical setting. Often times the stress of coming to the clinic and being in the clinic can complicate our assessment of your pet.

In addition, Dr. Dave is able to see the home environment and make recommendations to the household that may help to make your pet more comfortable. Our in-home examination and home evaluation helps to allow for a more comprehensive discussion on what care would be best for your pet’s situation.

What is pet hospice@home?

Pet hospice@home is care for animals, focused on the patient’s and family’s needs; on living life as fully as possible until the time of death [with or without intervention]; and on attaining a degree of preparation for death.

Hospice@home begins from the time a pet is faced with a terminal illness and the family has decided not to pursue aggressive diagnostics or treatments. Terminal illnesses and the dying process can be experienced with peace and dignitiy, as the pet rests at home surrounded by its loving family.

Pet hospice@home is focused on caring, not curing. The goals of our hospice@home care are to help support your pet by focusing on providing pain control and physical comfort as well as educational and emotional support for the family until a natural death occurs or the decision for euthanasia is chosen.

Treatment is always specific for your pet but may include:

  • Pain Management
  • Arthritis Treatment
  • Infection Control
  • Nutritional Therapy
  • Improving or maintaining appetite
  • Tumour and Cancer modulation
  • Wound Care
  • Household Modifications
  • Mental Stimulation

Refer to our Palliative Care Regimes

Complete Veterinary Services in your home

We also provide a full range of Mobile In-Home Veterinary Care through:

  • House Call Consultations
  • Vaccinations
  • Microchipping
  • Arthritis Treatment
  • Veterinary Acupuncture
  •  Pet Heath Products – Wormers Etc
  •  Laboratory and Pathology Services
  •  Referral to Veterinary Specialist Treatment

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