We believe in Whole-of-Life Care for your precious Companion.
Our Arsenal of Palliative Care Treatments includes these regimes: – you my not be aware that we have such treatments
Special Treatment Regimes for Elderly Pets
Arthritis Regime Anti-Arthritis injections; ZYDAX®(Pentosan), a disease modifying osteoarthritis drug (DMOAD), is almost a miracle drug for all forms of Arthritis
Suppliments such as GLIDE to assist with Joint Repair
also pain relief as required
This combination is generally very effective
We can of course access / refer your pet for further state-of-the-art treatments such as
Platelet Rich Plasma
Stem Cell Extraction
Appetite / Bulking Regime
Anabolic Agents to help build body mass and increase appetite
Vitamin B injections
Heart Failure Regime
Specific Cardiac Muscle Medications
Fluid removal medication
Tumour Regime
Pain Relief
Dementia Regime
Vitamin B Injections
Other medications as required
Special Prescription Diets to treat Cognitive Impairment
There are more specific regimes we can apply fior individual circumstances tho give your pet a long and loyal life as your friend.
Complete Veterinary Services in your home
We also provide a full range of Mobile In-Home Veterinary Care through:
- House Call Consultations
- Vaccinations
- Microchipping
- Arthritis Treatment
- Veterinary Acupuncture
- Pet Heath Products – Wormers Etc
- Laboratory and Pathology Services
- Referral to Veterinary Specialist Treatment
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