Home Pet Euthanasia Hawkesbury – COVID19

Home Pet Euthanasia Hawkesbury – COVID19

COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Update

Home Pet EuthanasiaHome Pet Euthanasia Hawkesbury – COVID19

We are an essential service

Home Pet Euthanasia Hawkesbury – COVID19. Just as the medical profession is working incredibly had to keep our people heathy against COVID-19 Coronavirus – Vet2u.net is here to keep your pets healthy too. We have Government support to continue to provide our valuable service to pets and their owners across Greater Sydney and regions. We will likely be able to continue to provide our services even if more stringent restrictions are applied. We have increased our Biosecurity measures so that our vets can continue delivering our superior care for your pets.

Home Pet EuthanasiaWe are your Best Option for maintaining “Interpersonal Distancing”

COVID-19 does not appear to affect dogs although cats may become ill, this is not certain at this stage. As a Mobile vet service, we come directly to you. This is therefore your best option for Social Distancing to avoid COVID-19 Coronavirus. This means you are extremely safe when compared to taking your pet into the Vet Hospital Waiting Room.

Mobile Vet SydneyWe wear full PPE when we visit you 

We keep up-to-date with all of the development in the COVID-19 Coronavirus Outbreak in Sydney. During our visit, we wear a P2/N95 Respirator Mask, Gloves and disposable Gown.

We undertake full disinfection routine before and after each visit

Our Vehicle is equipped with a freshwater tank and sink – we have proper Handwashing Facilities and we use Microshield® Handwash. We also use ABHR, where appropriate.

vet2u.net CaringVet.com.auWe help you to keep your home a safe environment

Here are some solutions to reduce interpersonal contact during our visit:

  1. We can see your pet in the backyard or next to our van (make sure your dog is on a lead).
  2. All of our equipment is portable and sanitisable.
  3. Our van is solar / off-road powered and has fresh water supply with sink and waste water tank. We can undertake thorough hand washing prior to and directly after our visit. We also have ABHR as well.
  4. We have a mobile EFT Machine – we don’t even have to handle your Credit Card. We can also take pre-payment with Direct Bank Transfer or Cash.
  5. All Paperwork, e.g.Vaccination Certificates, Microchipping Form can even be completed remotely & sent electronically.
  6. In fact we may be able to conduct the entire consultation without even entering your home.
  7. Should we need to enter your home – it would be ideal hold the consultation in a large, spacious room, one that is used infrequently by the residents.

Important Information – WHS Risk Assessment

  • Our staff have not been overseas nor in contact with COVID-19 positive cases and remain symptom free.
  • Please make it known to us whether you are self isolating, or have had contact with a COVID19 Positive patient (or suspected positive) OR have recently returned from overseas OR from a cruise.
  • We will ask you whether you are suffering from any Flu-like symptoms that could be related to COVID19 Coronavirus infection, such as: fever, cough, fatigue, aches and pain.

I hope you have enjoyed our information on Home Pet Euthanasia during COVID19 Coronavirus PANDEMIC – Protecting yourself from infection.Contact us on…

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1 Pet Euthanasia Western Sydney

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